Thursday, July 12, 2012

Settling In

If you come to India, wear white pants.  You will not be
culturally relevant or stay cool in the day. They will tarnish.
They will make you stand out. This will come as a welcome
and laughable disappointment as it serves to remind you
 that through grace alone your rags have been washed
clean, compelling you to be unashamed of His power.

 Over the weekend, we decompressed with time alone to
study,give thanks, set objectives for this summer, and sing
together(Rebekah leads cause when she opens her mouth,
I feel compelled to shut mine. so, so good). We made it out
to the park for a camel ride (these walk down the street
though, no bid deal), bumper cars,and Frisbee. Kelsey
 celebrated her birthday on Sunday and what a perfect
day for it to fall on! We sang happy birthday to her and
some new friends when we met in the evening. It was as
tender as a butterfly with sore feet on a gentle breeze
gingerly seeking a soft place to land (true statement).
In following days we have transitioned out of orientation 
into a new routine of study/teaching (Papa Heath!), outings, 
and event time each day. Monday was the first day following 
this routine. I experienced it sick in bed but with meds and 
prayer, was better the next day (Hallelujah!). The guys met 
one of our local brothers/translators and caught up over 
chai and the girls did outreach and prayed over the city 
from the heights of the mall roof. Evening was an adventure 
as everyone went to Inspiration school where Rachel
 presented on family life. Kelsey presented on college life. 
We also presented on American culture, education, and
 leisure acticities. Travis and Alecia(who has now made it 
into this blog) demonstrated how to shag! Then we broke
 into smaller conversations with the students, which
 was somewhat overwhelming. So many questions!

Tuesday morning, Carly had a waffle for breakfast and
thoroughly enjoyed it (best she ever had). A few of the girls
met with some students from Inspiration and the others met a
local sister, whom theywere able to begin teaching and to greatly
encourage. Also, Mary Emily was able to return 4 Rupees that
she accidentally stole. The guys traveled to Rajwada to meet a
man Heath knew 2 years ago and hopefully we will eat with his
family soon. We walked slowly through the frenzied market
streets p-walking and stopped in a music store our local brother
frequents. We spoke at length with the young employees and
neighboring shop owner. In the evening we all returned to
Inspirationwhere the students presented to us on traditional
Indian dances and things that could only happen in India.
The best part of the day was back at home when our local brother
played his newly repaired guitar and we sang together!

On Wednesday, the guys met another brother and his
friend in the mall and after much debating discovered
we each had brothers in the other. It is so uplifting
 to find someone with sound beliefs living here. The
friend was from one of the cities we are visiting
next week so hopefully we will see him again! The
girls were in the mall coming down an escalator with
such grace and style that they stole the attention from a
cricket trophy photo shoot! They were flattered but humbly
and politely declined, walking on un-phased.
At night we attended a local gathering of the body,
personally one of themost encouraging things on our trip yet!
To hear them singing in their native language was phenomenal.
Being with them and hopefully encouraging them is why we
are here! We concluded the day with a family dinner at pizza
hut and walked home from the mall in the cool evening air
(which occasionally carries a whiff of stank). So far the
week has gone well and the work is going well. We are so
 excited for what more is to come for us and the people
of this city. We give thanks for you and your on-going support!

Posted by Nathan

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